In the almost nine years that Clint and I have been married, I have only seen tears at three events:
1. At the birth of our children.
2. Funerals
3. When Isabelle cut her hair.
Yes, last Tuesday my daughter decided that she would cut her hair. Actually, she had a little persuasion from her big brother. But, SHE was holding the scissors. They were doing their "homework" at their desks and I was folding clothes in the next room. They came walking around the corner and Camon was in front of her and said, "Don't look at Isabelle." About that time, all I could see was a little girls hand come from behind him and it was full of blonde hair. At first, I panicked. Then she stepped out and although I was upset, it was not that bad (in my opinion). She had cut the hair right at her forehead and it was brow length. So, I thought at least it looks like bangs and it is not too short. I lectured her and Camon to ensure that it would never happen again.
However, when dad got home... He was so upset. He turned off the cartoons that they were watching. And, kept saying "What are we gonna do?" Like we could do anything but let it grow!!! He had tears in his eyes and before he was done with his lecture both kids had tears too. As a matter of fact, Camon was sobbing hysterically. I felt so sorry for them. I was agitating him a little bit because I was laughing. I did not think that they hair cut was humorous, but his reaction took me off guard. He said that this was one of the 10 most devastating days of his life and then changed it to 5 most. (He has had a hard life, can you tell.) I asked him what was worse, the $750 damage she did to his truck a few weeks ago, or this. He said, "This is much worse." I guess that she won't be getting a stylish hair-do anytime soon. He wants it long and all one length. I guess we should have been Pentecostal because he feels the same about my hair.
I posted this picture, because it is the only one that her hair is down in lately. Clint makes her have it pulled back so that it hides the bangs. He is so funny!
Ask Clint if one of the other devistating moments in his life was when I punctured his Air Jordan's with a dart? He dared me to do it...but I remember how mad he was...we were in 7th or 8th grade.
Staci...I think she may have a future career in hair styling... To be 3, she did a good job! Most 3 years olds cut it all the way to the scalp & all over, too!
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