Tuesday, August 28, 2007

We survived!

Well, Camon had a great first day. When I got home, I asked him to tell me about his day. He said that they watched a movie and played outside on the playground. He said that it was so much fun. Little does he know that everyday will not be that way. He made a friend named Jordan and talked about a little girl who had lost a tooth, but could not remember her name. Clint picked him up that afternoon and said that Camon thought all of the school buses were cool. (He wouldn't think that after riding on it for 10 minutes in 100 degree temperature.) He said he had homework, but when I looked in his backpack, it was MY Homework. I spent at least an hour filling out paperwork that asked the same questions over and over. Oh, I guess that I should not be complaining about homework - that will set a bad example!!! When he got ready for bed, he asked if he had school again tomorrow. When I told him that he did, he said "YES!!!!" I hope that this excitement continues!!

Anyway, his second day went very smoothly. No tears at all from either of us! I was so BIG! Yesterday, we did not take Isabelle to drop him off, because I knew that my tears would only encourage hers. And, she has been crying for the last 3 weeks EVERYTIME that she goes to pre-school. I do not mean a little cry. She starts wining when we leave my house and does that the entire 30 minute drive. I think that I heard "I don't wanna go to school" 1000 times yesterday morning. Along with a few additional "I can go to your work. I will just stand there beside you." And then, when we get to pre-school, she breaks into a full fledged yelling cry. I figured that it was probably because she knew that Camon was going to be leaving her school soon. So, today I tried to let her go with me to see his school. She was perfect. She talked to his teacher, looked in his classroom, kissed him good-bye and we left. On the way to the truck, she said, " I like Bubba's new school." And then when we got in the truck, she said, "Momma, I am ready to go to my school now." And she never made another sound about not wanting to go. I thought it was too good to be true, until we got there and sure enough she kissed me and went straight in the classroom. I guess she has just been worried about how Camon was doing and where he was going. They are so protective of each other. I just hope they keep up the affection and the good morning attitudes. It sure makes my mornings go smoother.

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