Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The baby talk...

Isabelle and I had an interesting conversation last night. It started innocent enough, and I guess I asked for it by my response. Isabelle asked if she had flown in an airplane before. I told her no. To which she replied, "Yes I did, when I was a baby.". I thought about it and decided that technically, she did. However, I was only about 2 weeks pregnant with her and of course did not know about her until several weeks after the trip. So, I unfortunately said, "Well, you did but you were in my belly and I did not even know that you were there yet." So, we went into "why didn't you know I was there", and then "didn't I kick you", and "wasn't your belly fat"? But then of course, "How did I get there?" I gave the traditional, God put you there. But, that doesn't work for her. "How did he get me in there?" and "Did the doctor have to put you to sleep to get me out?" "But, why?" And on and on for what seemed like forever. I was able to avoid most of the questions. And after at least 15 minutes, we got to the question that she really wanted to ask... "But, when I came out, I was soooooooooo cute. Was I?" That's my Belle-Belle!

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