Monday, February 18, 2008

My Daughter - The Modest One !!

Well, I knew that it had been way too long since Isabelle had pulled one of her famous stunts. This one ranks right up there with throwing her tennis shoes away because she did not like them...

Yesterday we were getting ready for church and Isabelle saw that I had put on a slip, so she wanted one too. My mom had made her one for her birthday last year, out of my grandmothers old slip. Now, she has grown quite a bit, so the slip is very short on her, but I was not putting it on her to serve any other purpose but to pacify her desire to wear one. So, we put it on. Camon came in the room and told her that she looked beautiful - he is a boy they do not know that a slip is "underwear", he just assumed that the pretty dress-like thing that she had on was in fact a dress. So, then she wanted to wear just it, so I agreed to let her continue getting ready and told her that we would put her dress on last. That satisfied her - for that moment!!

So, as we are pulling in the church parking lot she asks me, "Momma, when we get home can I take off my dress and just wear my slip?" To which I said sure! I mean why not?!?!?!

Then, as church is about to start, my friend Megan who was working in Children's Church came to get me. She said that she thought Isabelle was hot and that I might want to come check her for a fever. I explained that she had Fifth's Disease last week and her cheeks were still a little rosy but that she was not contageous. She then said that she thought I still should come check on her. So, I did - the whole time hoping that it was not the Flu (since everyone I know has had it). I walk into the Children's building and there on the front row was my little darling almost 4 year old. Dressed just as pretty as can be in, you guessed it, just her slip. I quickly grabbed her dress (which was hanging neatly on her chair - like a jacket), wrapped her in it, and took her to the bathroom to re-dress her. I then tried my best to explain to her that she could not take her dress off. She said, "But, Why? This is so pretty!!!" Oh my!!! I could not stop laughing after that incident. I kept seeing the scene over and over, Isabelle sitting on the front row, dress off, legs crossed, like there was nothing wrong with having a slip on in church!!! The workers were laughing and said that they assumed that she was running fever because when they told her to put her dress on (after they realized that I did not SEND her in just that) she said that she was too hot. No, she just wanted EVERYONE to see her pretty slip.

What can you say - it is a memory that I will NEVER forget! I just wish that I would have taken a picture before I jerked her up and put her clothes back on. I would have definitely had blackmail for the future!!!

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