Friday, July 27, 2007

Camon's one month to kindergarten countdown!!

It is hard to believe that exactly one month from today, my baby boy will start Kindergarten. I am already a basket case just thinking about it. He says he is going to be a Waskom Wildcat and he told me yesterday that he could not wait to start "big boy school". I wish that I could say the same. But, it is sad for a mother who up until now has been his major female influence. The person that he loves to the "moon and stars and sun and back to his heart". The person that he tells on a regular basis "mom, you're beautiful". He is such a sweet, sensitive child. I only hope that this growing up that he is about to experience will not change that. (who am I kidding - I am sure that hugs and kisses in public will be outlawed by him pretty soon! A mom can hope, though!) I only pray that the guidance that he has been, and will continue to be, given at home will far outweigh the negative influences that he will encounter at school in the future. I just can not believe that this time is so near.

I love you Camon, and promise to support and pray you through all of the upcoming years of school and each trial that comes along with them. However, I also promise to support and pray you through all of the amazing times as well. Although I am sad about this new chapter in your life, I am excited that this is a new beginning for you and you will be a success in all you do, just remember to stay focused on Jesus. I will now officially start the countdown...31 days until Camon's First day of School.

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