Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring Break

In March, we went to Colorado. Camon had been skiing when he was 2, but not enough to really qualify it as his "first time". This year he kept asking if he could go skiing. So, we decided that we would go visit my aunt on Spring Break and let Camon and Clint spend a day skiing. Isabelle and I stayed at the base of the mountain and took pictures and video. She was a little upset though because she really wanted to ski. I do not think it was the skiing so much as the riding the cool lifts. If I could have skiied, we would have had her on them because I think she is the perfect age right now. I just could not see Clint trying to keep up with both of them. (He had a hard enough time with the one he had- I will share that later) I was pretty jealous. I love to ski and so I wanted to go so bad. But, it was nice to get to see them come down the mountain. Clint is an excellent skier, and so putting Camon in lessons was totally out of the question, until they came down for the first time. Camon thought that he did not need help and would not listen to Clint very well. After one time down, he was ready for hot chocolate and Clint was ready to pay for lessons. However, we decided to take a break and try again later (rather than pay the ridiculous price for lessons). After Camon had some hot chocolate and a pep talk from mom, he was ready to try again. Clint said he was a whole new skiier (and more importantly listener). It is amazing what hot chocolate can do.... Anyway, Isabelle and I left for lunch and when we came back, he looked like a pro. Well, a 6 year old pro anyway. He did so good. And of course did not want to leave. Clint and I have taken MANY ski trips in our marriage and I am always saying that we should give up going skiing EVERY year and take some beach vacations. Well, it looks like Clint now has someone else on his side. When we left that afternoon, I asked Camon, "So, what is more fun the beach or skiing?" To which he replied, "Skiing is much more fun. You can not go fast in the ocean." Typical male response, I guess. So, it looks like we will be taking more ski trips after all.
Oh yea, the keeping up with kids story... When I got back from lunch, Clint was "looking" for Camon. Yes, he had lost my 6 year old, on a ski mountain, DURING SPRING BREAK!!!! They had come down the mountain because Camon needed a potty break. So, as Clint was leaning down to take his skis off, Camon headed on to the bathroom. The problem was that Clint thought that he was standing there waiting. Well, when Clint stood up, he was gone!!!! After I panicked a bit (and of course my calm husband did not) Clint took off towards the bathroom. After what seemed like 30 minutes, I saw this little boy wandering, from the opposite direction of where the bathrooms were (or at least the only ones that Clint and knew about). After I fussed at him for running off, I found out that he had seen a port-a-let right where they had taken their skis off and just assumed that was where Clint was going. Well, Clint had not seen it and so he walked on down to the lodge. The only cute part about it was his comments to me... I told him that I was scared and did not want him to leave our side again without telling one of us. He said, "I know momma. I was scared, too. Because I remember that you always tell me that some other family could take me home and I would never see you again." (at least he listened) And then when I asked him where he had been, he said, "I went to the bathroom. It was just a hole and there was no sink. I had to wash my hands with that liquid soap and no water." Once it was all said and done, I thought that it was pretty amazing that he had been able to take all of the layers of ski clothes off, and then put them back on without help. (I stilll have trouble with this) And, that when he came out, he knew which direction to head to get to the lodge where we were looking for him. But, it is still a feeling that I absolutely hate!!!!

Oh yea! And I got motion/altitude sickness and spent the rest of that night and the entire next day throwing up and sleeping when I could. Sounds like fun, huh??? But, I guess it was all worth it to see the kids have so much fun.