Camon was about 18 months old and crazy me thought it was time to convert his baby bed into a toddler bed, because he was a "big boy"! Well, that did not go over well at all. After several nights of him screaming uncontrollably, getting up out of bed, and yes throwing up all over himself, his bed, and me, I decided that it would be easiest if Clint or I laid down with him every night until he got to sleep. The problem with that was that most of the time we fell asleep with him. However, for 2 years this was our nightly routine. During that time, we had Isabelle, who slept all night early on and by herself I might add. Well, one night when she was about 16 months old Camon wanted to sleep with her in her baby bed. Now, he was three and at first I resisted. But, then I thought "it will never work so I will just put him in there tonight and warn him that if they do not go straight to sleep then he can never sleep with her again." Well, not only did they go straight to sleep but we were able to go to our own bed to sleep.
Their first night sleeping together.
The next night, he wanted to do it again. So, instead of letting them sleep in her baby bed, I decided to try them in his bed. Once again, they went straight to sleep. And, for over three years now they have been sleeping together. Isabelle sucks her thumb (yes I know I need to break her of this...) and twirls Camon's hair each night to go to sleep. He just lets her and I even find her doing this sometimes during the day while they are watching TV or riding in the car. It is so sweet.
Playing with Bubba's Hair!!!

Some sleepy time pictures.
About two years ago, Clint built them bunk beds, thinking that they would separate yet still be in the same room. That never happened, they would just switch from the top together to the bottom together.
Well, as you know Camon has now finished Kindergarten so he is "grown". He decided about a month ago that he wanted to sleep by himself. He started mentioning it and each time Isabelle would get so upset, so he never tried it. Well, three weeks ago I guess he was feeling grown and he refused to sleep with her. We made it through prayer time, and then she lost it. Now, she is a drama queen but I had NEVER heard her cry this hard. She was hysterical. I kept going to the door and he was talking to her from the top bunk saying, "Isabelle, it's going to be okay. Bubba is right here. Please don't cry. You are going to make yourself sick." It was too sweet. I told Clint that he would give into her. Sure enough after about 5 minutes Camon called me. He said, "Momma, I want to get down there with her. I am afraid she is going to throw up." Well, asleep she went. The next morning I felt so sorry for Camon. He said, "Momma, I wish that we could make a fake me, with hair." I thought that was so cute. It is sort of ironic that he is the reason they slept together in the first place... Well, he continued to sleep with her each night. He would say that once she went to sleep he would move, but I guess he always fell asleep, too. Then Thursday, June 19 we were at my parents house until late. Isabelle fell asleep in the car on the way home. When I put them in bed, Camon asked, "Can I sleep on the top bunk since she is already asleep?" Clint said, "Sure." Well, I had my doubts. I just knew that she would wake up in the middle of the night screaming, but she did not. The next morning, Camon made a huge deal to her about how proud he was that she was so big. Well, it must have worked because she has been Bubba free each night since. It is nice for Camon, but I must admit a little sad for me. However, she still has withdrawals and when they get up she plays with his hair while they watch their morning cartoons. I know one day that too will end but for now it is so cute.
Isabelle all alone on the bottom bunk.
Camon all alone on the top bunk.
Catching up during morning cartoons.
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